Justin Chines
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Here you'll find various things I've created.


Project 8 [Download] [Source] [Sample ROMs]

A Nintendo Entertainment System emulator. Emulates the CPU and GPU quite well, and is capable of playing many of the console's earlier games. Unfortunately, I can't share ROM images of actual games here due to copyright, but I have included a link to a few sample programs if you want to test it. Sound support is very unstable at the moment, and is disabled by default.

  • Start = Enter
  • Select = Shift
  • A = X
  • B = Z
  • Directional Pad = Arrow Keys

de'Barbari Explorer [Link] [Source]

Completed as part of my time studying abroad in Italy while at WPI. This tool allows users to browse a high quality old map of Venice. You can save an image of the current view or select a part to download. You can also annotate landmarks on the map using a polygonal drawing tool, and search for those landmarks.

SourceControl.me [Link] [Source]

SourceControl.me is a git analytics platform. Three other students and I completed this tool as a final project at WPI. Users can sign up and link git repositories to the site. Anayltics can then be performed on the repositories by using a specially designed query language. This query language can be used to build "reports" of statistics related to repositories.

Hello, World! [Link] [Source]

Android app created by me and 4 others HackMIT 2014. This app allows users to anonymously leave messages at real-world locations. Using the app, you can view messages that have been left near your current location.

The Snap Shack [Link] [Source]

Built at HackMIT 2013 by myself and 3 others, The Snap Shack is a public snapchat showcase. Simply send a snapchat to 'thesnapshack' and it will appear on the site. People can chat as the images stream in.

Strange Attractor [Download] [Source]

Draws a strange attractor based on user-set variables.

Fractal [Download] [Source]

Extremely basic Mandelbrot set explorer. Click to zoom-in. Click reset to return to original state.

Snake [Download] [Source]

Implementation of Snake on the windows console.

Tupper Drawer [Download] [Source]

Users can draw simple images and store them as a large number. Based on Tupper's self-referential formula, which is a formula that draws itself.

Web Pages and Scripts

Crazy BBCode Generator

Randomly adds BBCode tags to text that you input.

Fancy Text Converter

Converts plaintext to various fancy styles. What it does is replace each character with unicode characters that represent each style. This allows the text to be pasted theoretically anywhere on the internet.
(On Windows, only Firefox works)

Day Loader

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